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Marina Off-Season Preparation: Essential Safety Checklist

Sep 5

3 min read




Storage Checklist
Marina Insurance Safety Checklist

As marina owners, ensuring the safety of your facility and vessels during the off-season is crucial. Preparing your marina for the months when operations slow down or halt entirely can help prevent costly damages, minimize risks, and protect your investments. From maintaining equipment to securing boats in storage, proper planning and preventive measures are essential.

To help you navigate the complexities of off-season preparations, we’ve created a comprehensive checklist that addresses key areas such as general safety, equipment inspections, boat blocking, and storage best practices. This checklist is designed to provide marina operators with actionable steps to ensure a smooth transition into the off-season while safeguarding their property, vessels, and reputation.

By following this guide, you can mitigate potential hazards and create a safe, well-prepared environment for your marina, ensuring you’re ready to set sail when the next season begins. Marina Off-Season Preparation: Essential Safety Checklist

1. General Safety

  • Ensure that Marine Travel Lift and Forklift operators are certified and trained according to OSHA standards.

  • Review and comply with all federal, state, or local regulations that apply to marina operations.

  • Develop and implement written operating procedures for the safe handling of boat haul-out and storage.

  • Regularly inspect yards and storage areas to ensure they are clear of obstructions.

  • When transporting boats, ensure they are kept as close to the ground as possible.

  • Assign experienced ground crews and spotters when moving large boats around the facility to ensure safety.

2. Hydraulic Trailer Safety

  • Conduct daily inspections to verify that the vehicle is roadworthy and safe to operate.

  • Check hydraulic hoses, piston operation, and fluid levels for proper functioning.

  • Ensure tires are in good condition and properly inflated.

  • Confirm that all controls and instruments are working as intended.

  • Verify that the boat is squarely positioned on the trailer before transport.

3. Marine Travel Lift Safety

  • Know the operational limits and procedures of the travel lift.

  • Perform daily inspections to ensure the lift is safe and roadworthy.

  • Inspect cables for damage and check for any issues during full extension.

  • Discard damaged or degraded slings, and ensure slings are protected from chafing.

  • Check for bent or distorted sling attachment pins.

  • Regularly inspect hydraulic hoses and fluid levels for leaks or wear.

  • Confirm that all bolts are secure, and tires are in good condition.

  • Always ensure the path is clear of obstructions and use a spotter for extra safety.

  • Ensure the load is balanced and within the lift’s capacity.

4. Forklift Safety

  • Perform daily inspections to ensure the forklift is safe to operate.

  • Inspect fork covers and the general condition of the forklift.

  • Check hydraulic hoses and fluid levels for any issues.

  • Ensure tires are in good condition and fully inflated.

  • Make sure controls and instruments are functioning properly.

  • When lifting boats, confirm that the load is balanced and within the forklift's capacity.

  • Always use seatbelts and have a fire extinguisher mounted on the forklift.

5. Blocking Boats for Storage

  • Ensure there are fire breaks between groups of blocked boats and buildings.

  • Support the keel with sturdy wooden blocks, and ensure tripod jack stands are correctly positioned on both sides of the boat for support.

  • Ensure jack stands are placed at structural bulkheads, using proper spacing to balance the boat effectively.

  • Regularly check and adjust jack stands to account for ground shifts and weather changes.

  • Secure safety chains under the keel and between jack stands to prevent lateral movement.

6. Rack Storage

  • Remove drain plugs from vessels and store them in bags tied to the aft cleat.

  • Disconnect batteries or switch off the master battery to prevent electrical issues.

  • Prohibit the use of portable power cords, heaters, and other potentially dangerous equipment in the storage area.

  • Remove hazardous materials like LPG, CNG cylinders, and portable fuel tanks from boats before storage.

  • Ensure fuel tanks are no more than 95% full to prevent expansion and leaks.

This checklist will help you and your team ensure safety during marina off-seasons and minimize the risks that can occur during the haul-out and storage of boats.

For personalized advice or to learn more about how to safeguard your marina, feel free to contact Mitchell Brown Advisory at any time!

Sep 5

3 min read





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